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      1. Try our resources page by clicking here

      2. Use us where necessary…

We are a family that lives directly across the street from the Salt Lake City Cemetery and have lived here for more than 20 years. And, we think the cemetery is a special and sacred place.

We are often asked to do small research favors, take some photos of a gravesite, find a headstone, do genealogy projects, history, etc. for various people who have a connection to the Salt Lake Cemetery or who have a loved one resting there.

(Also, we have also been asked to pick up some flowers from the Smith’s store down the street for people who don’t live here but want something dropped off on Memorial day, significant dates, etc.)

We sometimes do these errands as a favor or sometimes for a tip.  (We have teenagers that are happy to earn a little money for future college, service missions, etc. while doing a good cause and they help us with some of the projects. The tip is usually between $12-25 depending on what needs to be done.)

If you have questions, need something done, have resources to help this site, etc., please email: